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About us

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, written by men who were divinely inspired. In its original manuscripts it is infallible and complete. The Bible contains everlasting Good News that is as relevant today as the day it was written. The Bible tells of the Kingdom of God and how to enter. Centrally, it contains the accurate historical record of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe that obedience to the commands of Jesus is bundled with faith and grace as the way of salvation. Obedience to Jesus is the infallible validation that someone has received the salvation of God. An obedient believer allows Jesus Christ’s authority to direct him or her, rather than acting on his or her own ideas and desires. Obedience often involves forfeiting something in this life for the promise of a greater reward in heaven.


We believe that sin, whether much or little, separates people from God and His kingdom. No one is justified before God by good deeds because any sin whatsoever renders us guilty before the Holy God. Even though we have all sinned, God, in His love for us, offers the death of His own Son Jesus Christ to satisfy the penalty against us. In other words, Jesus’ death saves us from a guilty verdict before God. Salvation comes only to those who believe in Jesus Christ, turn away from their sinful ways, and follow Christ for the rest of their lives. We believe that God will reward those who accept salvation with eternal life in heaven, and He will punish those who do not turn from their sins with eternal torment in hell.


We believe that baptism in water should be one of a believer’s early acts of obedience to Jesus. It is a personal decision for every Christian and a public declaration of their commitment to Jesus Christ. Baptism is a symbol of washing away the old life and entering, clean and pure, into a new life. We often perform baptisms as a complete immersion, in a baptismal built into the front of our meeting hall.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third part of the Trinity. Since the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has been the agent of God on earth, conveying to the believer the promises of Christ. The Holy Spirit empowers a believer to be saved and live free from the control of sin. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a second act of God’s grace that follows salvation. The baptism in the Holy Spirit will enable the recipient to speak in the gift of tongues of spiritual communion with God. The Holy Spirit may also grant any of the other eight gifts of the Holy Spirit.


We believe in volunteerism as a Christian duty. Most of our members volunteer in the church ministries and projects in some way. Volunteer work creates valuable opportunities for fellowship, growth, and it helps to create a sense of ownership. A valuable by-product of our volunteerism is that our church has a relatively small paid staff.

Founding pastor
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Pastor Robert Mazur (Brother Bob) was the founder and senior pastor of Living Word Church until he went home to the Lord on May 17, 2021.


In 1970, he walked into a small church in Texas, wondering if God was real, and heard a complete stranger proclaim the selfish details of his life. He immediately surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and was baptized in the Holy Spirit the day following. From that moment, God began to call Brother Bob to become a pastor and pioneer a church in the Syracuse community.


Although a successful owner of an advertising art company, he ultimately yielded to the Lord’s call in his life and left the business world. The same God that powerfully changed his life has used Brother Bob to build Living Word from 13 original members into one of the largest born-again, Spirit-filled, Bible-believing congregations in Central New York.

our pastors and elders:
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Bryan Rocine
Ben Connor

Assistant Pastor

Don Cullen
Garry Maderi


Executive Director of Christian Health

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Tony Gray
Isaiah Rocine

Academy Principal

Our ministries are supported by many volunteers. Find out more about our support staff that has been involved over the years.

"We are a multi-cultural, multi-racial congregation, one local body in Jesus Christ. The love that Jesus has put within us spans across the natural differences that normally divide people everywhere."

- Mathiang D.

Living Word


6099 Court Street Rd

Syracuse, NY 13206

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