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Etiquette and Guidelines

Our moderators review every submission before it is posted online.

No sincere question is off-limits. You have a tough question? The Bible has a real answer.

Name-calling, disrespect, profanity or innuendo is not allowed and will be edited from questions/responses before they are posted in the forum.

Soliciting, requests for business, offers for sales/promotions, and fundraising of any kind will not be posted in the forum. We will never request funds from you, either.

Personal information you share about yourself or someone else will be edited before it is posted in the forum. While some details you decide to share may help us to understand your question or response, we may change wording to protect your privacy. We will not publish personally-identifiable information about private citizens.

Please try to stay on the topic associated with a question. If your response leads away from the topic of the main question, we may move it to another conversation thread or use it to begin a new conversation.

We will not publish or sell your email address. We may use it for verification purposes or to contact you periodically, but you can also unsubscribe at any time.

Living Word


6099 Court Street Rd

Syracuse, NY 13206

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