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Living Word Academy

One of our major undertakings, for over 40 years, has been in Christian Education—for the children of our church and the surrounding community. This effort involves hundreds of volunteers each year, offering thousands of hours of service, along with significant financial support from our church. We also offer tuition assistance for those in financial need.

Christian Health

Living Word Church was instrumental in the founding and supporting of Christian Health Service of Syracuse, a non-profit community health center that provides compassionate medical care to some of the most needy people in Syracuse, citizens who are underserved by most family medical practices in the area.

The Table Food Pantry

Through our community food pantry, called “The Table”, we welcome every neighbor in need with dignity, respect, and the love of Christ, while offering nourishing food and other necessities. Monthly pantry giveaway dates and more  information are available on our Facebook page and on the calendar.

Living Word Camp

Church members of all ages enjoy the summer months in a Christ-centered environment. The Lord has blessed us with 135 acres of woods, fields, and waterfront, near Parish, NY, where we play sports, fish, swim, hike, camp, and fellowship together.


Our residence center offers affordable, modern apartments, mainly for older church members. Besides being safe and comfortable, on-campus housing means easy travel to and from church. Some residents are longtime friends, but many new friendships have grown during the frequent multi-generational group activities and meals in the common dining and living room areas.

Overseas Outreach

Our heart for those in need extends beyond Central New York. For over twenty years we have supported children’s homes in India, and recently we added one in Myanmar. Our monthly support provides all the food, housing, care, and education for around 80 children, along with a full-time staff.

Christmas Gifting

Each November, we organize an event to participate in Operation Christmas Child—a project of Samaritan’s Purse—packing and sending shoeboxes filled with school supplies, small toys, and other goodies to children around the world. It’s a small way that we take part in the biggest goal of any Christian: to share the Gospel with everyone!

The Closet Clothing Donation

Through our community clothing give away, called “The Closet”, we welcome every neighbor in need with dignity, respect, and the love of Christ, while offering seasonal clothing and accessories. Monthly giveaway dates and more  information are available on our Facebook page and on the calendar.

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Living Word Ministries

We are thankful for God’s goodness to us and want to share His love with our neighbors. Sometimes it means reaching out in our local community, and sometimes it means reaching out halfway around the world.

Living Word


6099 Court Street Rd

Syracuse, NY 13206

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