Real Stories.
Real Change.
God is intervening in lives today, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
These are testimonies of God’s grace changing lives right here in Central New York.

Isaac & Jerilyn Williams
Isaac and Jerilyn’s marriage was anything but happy. After discovering they were going to have a baby, they thought marriage would make things seem normal. Instead, their marriage was characterized by anger, jealousy, mistrust, arguing and violent outbursts and was falling apart at the seams. They found they had to love Jesus Christ in order to love one another and see their relationship be saved from ruin.
Tammy Reals
Failed relationships can leave us feeling like we don't have much hope or much of a future for our lives. But Jesus Christ is the One who can give us a future and a hope, even in the darkest times.

Tom Leader
Tom Leader began his day like every other. On a particular day, however, he would suffer a massive heart attack that would cause him to experience death. Listen to the riveting account of the events that transpired for Tom and the amazing peace he experienced from Jesus Christ during his trial.
Paul Lapsley Sr.
Paul grew up in a dysfunctional family situation as a child. Abandoned by an alcoholic father, he was bounced around various homes and institutions; never having any stability in his childhood. Although he swore he would be a good family man, he became an alcoholic and a drug addict, and also abandoned his own family. He needed Jesus Christ to completely transform him, free him from his addictions, and restore his family back to him. Jesus changed him into the family man he so desperately wanted to be.

Marcus Williams
Marcus wanted to experience life his own way and thought the party scene was where it was at. But the fast life of partying caught up with him. It wasn't until he turned his life to Jesus Christ that he experienced real joy from that point on.
Kristin and Reuben Connor
A life-threatening medical emergency tests Kristin and Reuben’s faith as they are forced to decide whether or not they should abort their baby to save Kristin’s life.