Volunteers begin each giveaway day by gathering to pray for the community and all who come through the lines.
Started just before Thanksgiving in 2019, the food pantry has been an important resource for local families affected by COVID-19.
Volunteers of every age pack 300+ bags of pantry goods ahead of each giveaway day.
High school and college volunteers contribute time and energy and learn to be an active part of the church body.
We partner with the Food Bank of CNY to distribute fresh foods and pantry staples every two weeks.
Serving the Community
The Table Food Pantry sends out messages to all registered members.
Don't miss a pantry!
We feed an average of 420 families per food giveaway!
The Table Food Pantry desires to help the community of Central New York with both food needs and the Gospel.
Our food pantry is made up of over 100 volunteers and works with many food charities and charitable companies.